Introducing Assegai 51 High-End Game Fishing Boat

Assegai 51 High-end game fishing boat

Introducing Assegai 51
High-End Game Fishing Boat

3rd September 2019

“The heavy-duty marine glass panel were a design creation to deliver a viewing experience and complement the external aesthetics of the vessel.”

We are honoured to have worked with the Assegai development team spearheaded by Barry Martin and are excited to be involved with the recent launch of the Assegai 51. The high-end game fishing boats are constructed with a dedicated team of craftsman to develop such perfection.

Assegai 51 High-end game fishing boat

Our highly experienced team are excited and ready to help you plan and craft the perfect custom heavy-duty marine glass panel for your boat.


About Assegai 51

Assegai 51 High-end game fishing boat

The custom fabricated 51 is no exception with maximum performance without compromising on construction.  The large unique ‘tear drop’ shaped side windows bring the outdoors inside. The heavy-duty marine glass panel were a design creation to deliver a viewing experience and complement the external aesthetics of the vessel.  The windows have a smooth exterior all glass finish for a clean seamless appearance.

If you have any questions about the Assegai 51 high-end game fishing boat or custom fabricated marine glass window panels and would like to speak with one of our team, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.

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